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![]() Judy Lash Balint |
2007-10-10Creating facts on the ground in a new battle for Jerusalem 2007-09-30Pain and gain during Sukkot 2007-09-2515 sure signs of Succot in Jerusalem 2007-09-22A day when the cars stayed home 2007-09-20Sights and sounds in the Holy City always fascinate during Days of Awe 2007-09-12How we celebrate Rosh Hashanah in Jerusalem 2007-07-27American immigrant starts dog wash in Israel 2007-07-24Peaceful Tisha B'Av march recalls national tragedies 2007-07-06Last Jews of Libya her first selection at film festival 2007-07-04Remembering Entebbe on rescue's 31st anniversary 2007-06-28Even the Hebrew word for them is funny: Standupistim 2007-05-29The Russians have come! The Russians have come! 2007-05-23On Shavuot, Israelis have urgent question: 'Where is the best lecture on the Torah?' 2007-05-17Crowding the Kotel on Yom Yerushalayim 2007-05-15Jerusalem Day in the Old City 2007-05-03It's time for Ehud Olmert to resign 2007-04-22Warm comforting breeze blows over Yom Hazikaron rites in Jerusalem 2007-04-09Mimouna and mmm-bread mark end of Pesach in chametz-hungry Israel 2007-04-01Eighteen cheerful Pesach clues in otherwse somber Jerusalem 2007-01-16A final shalom for Yuri Shtern 2006-08-19At the front in Akko, Maalot, Tarshiha and the holy city of Tsfat 2006-08-03A trek around the old city of Jerusalem makes Tisha B'Av observance memorable 2006-07-21July 21, 2006: Benjy Hillman, 3 weeks ago a bridegroom, now a fallen soldier 2006-07-20July 20, 2006: Personal postings on internet give flavor of Mideast war 2006-07-16July 16, 2006: Citizen reports from an unnamed war 2006-07-13July 13, 2006: Citizen's updates from Israel (Compiled by Judy Lash Balint) 2007-07-13Israel's War with Hamas, Hezbollah intensifies on fast day of the 17th of Tammuz 2006-07-10Jerusalem Film Festival: And Behold There Comes a Strong Wind... examines human toll of Gaza evacuation 2006-07-06240 North American immigrants, ranging from very young to very old, are greeted as the newest Israelis 2006-06-29Eliyahu Asheri, v ictim of Arab terror, eulogized at funeral attended by thousands of mourners 2006-06-27Former Mossad director says kidnaping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit a 'moment of truth' for Hamas 2006-06-16Sleepless in Sderot: Kassam barrage takes psychological toll 2006-06-01As other communities brave rockets, Jerusalem is in a mood of celebration 2006-05-25Jerusalem has a unique flavor on its special 'Jerusalem Day' 2006-05-05Celebrating Yom Ha'atzma'ut in Jerusalem: colorful, happy festivals wherever you look 2006-04-28Ghetto Fighters House, Israeli Air Force mark Holocaust with stirring ceremony 2006-04-25New film on Arab-Israeli conflict received negatively on Yom Hashoah 2006-04-20U.S. and Israeli politicos turn out for Mimouna 2006-04-12Twas the morning before Passover 2006-04-09Why this Passover in Israel feels different from all others |