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Writings about Mollie Ratner
April 18, 1946—"J.W.B. Activities," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 11: ...During the week, the USO—Jewish welfare Board staff visited both Camp Pendleton and Camp Elliott and attended services with Chaplain Sobel at both these stations.  Refreshments were served and discussion hour held after the services. Our hospital committee visited the Santa Marguerita camp hospital, and Camp Pendleton, and the Balboa Naval Hospital, bringing gifts and refreshments to all the Jewish patients.  Mrs. Mollie Ratner is chairman of this committee, and is assited by Mrs. Sarah Giller...

July 11, 1946—1)"Congregation Tifereth Israel," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: "It was Ratner day last Saturday at Congregation Tifereth Israel as a Jewish name was given to the newly born daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ratner and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marco Ratner. Great-uncles Nate Ratner and Joe Spatz came especially for the celebration.  Kiddush and refreshments were served after the services by the Ratner family and also by Mrs. Shifferson in memory of her husband's Yahrzeit...

2) "Welcome Daughter," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mr. and Mrs. Seymour J. Ratner of La Mesa announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, on July 4th at Mercy Hospital.  The baby weighted 8 lbs 5 1/2 ozs. and is named Sherrill Ann.  Grandparents welcoming the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Marco Ratner of La Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Peikin of Washington, D.C. Sherill Ann is also welcomed by a great-grandmother, Mrs. Mary Spatz of San Diego.  Mrs. Spatz is Mrs. Ratner Sr.'s mother.

3) "It's a Boy," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Ratner of 4244 Central avenue on July 5th at Mercy Hospital.  The baby is being named Milton Richard. He joins his two-year-old sister, Ronna, in the Ratner nursery.  His grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Marco Ratner of La Mesa and Mrs. Rovech of San Francisco. Mrs. Mary Spatz of San Diego is his great-grandmother.

4) "Vacationing in New York," (sic) Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mr. and Mrs. Marco Ratner of Dillon Drive in La Mesa have as houseguests Mrs. Ratner's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Spatz of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Spatz expect to be in San Diego for a few weeks and many pleasant affairs are being planned for them."

March 6, 1947—"Mary Spatz Dies at Age of 70,"page 5: Mrs. Mary Spatz, a 17-year resident of San Diego, passed away Wednesday, February 26th, at the age of 70 after a brief illness. Mrs. Spatz resided at 4242 Central Avenue.  Services were conducted from the Merkeley-Austin Mortuary on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. with Rabi Ephraim Siegel officiating. Burial was at the Home of Peace Cemetery.  An ardent member of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, Mrs. Spatz was also affiliated with the Tifereth Israel Sisterhood.  Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. Marco Ratner of San Diego, and Mrs. Ann Tax of Alhambra; sons, Herman of New York and Joe M. of San Diego; and six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

June 19, 1947—"Jewish War Vets," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: The patients at the Naval Hospital were recently presented with three gross of large crystal ashtrays by the Jewish War Veterans auxiliary, whose president is Mrs. Joe M. Spatz.  This particular project was supervised by Mrs. Marco M. Ratner, Hospital Chairman, of the organization. The type of each tray presented by the group were especially suited for bed patients since they are so constructed that a cigarette automatically goes out when placed in the tray. The Auxiliary gives monthly parties for the hospitalized service men in the lounge at the Naval Hospital providing food, entertainment and junior hostesses...