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  American Jewish Committee

San Diego Region

San Diego 


2006-06-07Panelists urge united effort by Latinos and Jews to reform immigration laws
—Immigration looms large as concern as Latino-Jewish Coalition dialogues

Jews and the two parties—whither should we goest? (Commentary by Bruce Kesler)
New San Diego school board unfamiliar with Jewish communal concerns—Bersin;  School superintendent expresses concern about possible effect of vouchers on schools and Jewish community 
Jewish-Latino Dialogue group foresees need to monitor Filner-Vargas primary
Jewish and Latino Dialogue: Inexorably shifting demographics bring the two groups together in a common cause 
Religion writer tells of neo-Calvinism, a ba'al t'shuvah movement among Protestants
American Jewish Committee establishes tsunami fund
KURS radio offers varied content for listeners—Chanukah, deaths on the border, Gospel
Rabbi David Rosen, at AJC meeting, outlines interfaith efforts on four continents.
AJC chief joins protests against Belgian ruling
Jews and other faiths:  To talk or not to talk?
2001-10-26: Our Catholic partners.  Clerics of two faiths plan
high school exchange program
2001-09-14: Mexican consul gives advice On drugs and immigration
2001-07-13: Opening the door.  Echoes of Jewish immigrant experience resonate for college board president
2001-07-06: Confessions of a male congressional spouse
2000-12-22: Jews turned out strongly for Gore-Lieberman ticket
2000-11-14: San Diego Latino-Jewish dialogue begins
2000-04-14: AJC gives a Hand to Lynn Schenk
2000-02-11: Greenebaum: Don't be so smug toward new immigrants
1999-11-12: Emotional moments in the Holy Land
1999-07-30: Mayorly passing through: Municipal executives from Israel learn from San Diego government
1999-07-09:The Jewish Padres: AJC group meets team officials,then enjoy romp at Qualcomm
1999-06-25:Saga of a scroll: A Torah's Odyssey from Roudnice to San Diego
1999-06-11:Searching for Sugihara: Biographer of Japanese diplomat uncovers a 'conspiracy of goodness'  to save Jews
1998-11-06:East Europeans learn about San Diego-Tijuana border problems
1998-10-30 Visit by Chinese scholar sparks Jewish memories
1998-02-06: European Claims
1998-02-06: Putting the cross crisis to rest?
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