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Writings about Max Zemen
January 16, 1947—"Alpha Phi
Pi," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: The Alpha Phi Pi is well on
the road to regaining its former high social status in the community. Last
Tuesday night's stag at the San diego Club was certainly indicative of this,
both socially and numerically. Among those able to obtain a four-hour marital
pass were Dr. Herman, Leo Beck, Bernard Lipinsky, Morrie Douglas, Laurie Cantor,
Max Zemen, and Harold Lasher. Harry Mallen couldn't get the green light. We
missed you Harry. The occasion was augmented by the celebration of Will
Breitbard's 21st birthday—we think! Plans are still being formulated for
January 36th when the Pi's will invade Long Beach for their annual Western
Conference Convention. Proceedings will take place at the Hilton Hotel Sky
Room. The A.P.P.'s are ready to challenge any organization in baseball,
basketball or football. We're still waiting for the Haveros to organize their
basketball team. Let's go, Manny! We'll be back again next week with more
"highlights" of our activities....
May 8, 1947—
Lou Mogy, "Sports Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
5: ...The Old Timers Say: Morrie Douglas can remember when Lou Snyder fought Al
Wolgost here at the Coliseum in 1932. Among the man friends of Lou who
were in his corner were Lorry Cantor, Max Zeman, Aubrey Shulkind. Wolgost,
the World's Champion, eked out a close decision over Snyder. Lou in his younger
days was considered one of the outstanding boxers in his division. Lou, to
this day, has kept himself in marvelous physical condition and has recently been
honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, after serving with Uncle Sam's forces
for several years....
June 12, 1947—Lou Mogy, "Sports," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5: The games of the Jewish Softball League which
are played Sunday morning at Horace Mann playground located at Park and El Cajon
Blvd are going over tremendously... Some of the older men such as Ray Bass, Joe
Spatz and Dave Freed are coming out for just a little warm-up practice.
Max Zemen is putting them through their paces...
May 1949—Red Borscht (a
pseudonym), "Nu?" Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: We cannot
report accurately that this paper was deluged with letters and phone calls
seeking to determine the identity of Red Borscht. However, we were
pleasantly surprised by the wholesome curiosity manifested by our readers. There
is nothing surreptitious in employing a non-0de-plume. Revealing our identity
will accomplish nothing of interest. The following (an impressive list indeed)
were accused of being the probable author of Nu...Bess Snyder, Max Zeman (sic,
Zemen), Sally Ratner, Al Slayen, Rex Jacobson, Lolita Schwitkis, Lou Mogy and
Maryan Doctor...
December 2, 1949—"Tifereth Israel Elects Officers," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5: The Tifereth Israel Synagogue held its annual election
of officers on Thursday, Nov. 17. The following were elected to office:
Alex J. Newman, President; Moe S. Berlin, 1st Vice President; Its Penter, 2nd
Vice President; Henry Bowman, Rec. Secretary; Edward Baranov, Financial Sec.;
Moe Hershey, Treasurer. The following were elected the Board of Directors fora
period of two years: I Teacher, Sam Addleson, Paul Nestor, Abe Ratner, Ben
Levenson, Isadore Jacobson, Sidney Newman, Joe Spatz and Moss Addleson.
Elected for a term of one year: Milo Berenson, Sam Druskin, Herman Tulchinsky,
Max Zemen, Marco Ratner, Sam Geller, Frank Pomeranz, Sid Naliboff, Al Young,
IRving Schneider, Maurice Zahalsky, Abe Sackheim, Sidney Smith, Irving Goodman,
Max Brody, Mrs. Its Penter...
October 6, 1950—"Alpha Phi Pi," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 4: Like the proverbial "hot dice" the good
times were rolling Saturday night, October 330 in the newly acquired club house
in Mission Hills. Approximately 25 couples attended... Visitors from afar
included Seaman Fred Weitzman who was piped aboard from boot camp and the two
modern versions of Sgt. York, Berts Nestor and Epsten....Guests at the last
wmeeting were alumni Harry Mallen, Bob Breitbard and Max Zeeman (sic, Zemen).
November 17, 1950—"University of Judaism Founders Day
Dinner Nov. 19," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: The Annual
Founders Day Dinner, in honor of the establishment of the University of Judaism
in Los Angeles, will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, Sunday evening, November
19th. Dr. Louis Finkelstein, President of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, which sponsors the University of Judaism will be the speaker. Mr.
Ezio Pinza, famous Metropolitan Opera singer, will be the guest artist. An
original Eternal Light broadcaset will also be presented. Attending the
Founder's Day Dinner from San Diego, will be Rabbi and Mrs. Monroe Levens,
Cantor Joseph Cysner, Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Max Zemen, Mr. I
Jacobson, Mr. Its Penter, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Newman, and M. and Mrs. Irving
February 2, 1951—"Tifereth
Israel Men's Club to Nominate Officers," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
5: At the next meeting of the Tifereth Israel Men's Club, scheduled for Tuesday,
February 6th, at 8:00 p.m., nominations for officers and board members for the
coming year will take place. Members of the Nominating Committee are Moe Berlin,
Chairman; Max Zemen, Paul Nestor, Sid Newman, and Jerry Weissman.
2) "Congregation Tifereth Israel, Daughters of Israel to Hold Joint
Installation," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: On Tuesday, Feb.
14th, at 8:00 p.m., a joint Installation Ceremony of the newly elected officers
of Congregation Tifereth Israel and of the Daughters of Israel will take place
at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Monroe Levens, Installing Officer,
will conduct the ceremonies to usher the following newly elected officers into
office. Congregation Tifereth Israel—President, Alex J. Newman; 1st Vice
President, Its Penter; 2nd Vice President, frank Pomeranz; Recording Secretary,
Samuel F. Brenes; Financial Secretary, Edward Baranov Treasurer, Max Zemen.
Daughters of Israel: President, Mrs. Rose Neumann; Honorary Past President, Mrs.
Jennie Siner; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Mary Schwartz, 2nd Vice Preisdent, Mrs.
Sophia Blanc, 3rd Vice President, Mrs. Celia Berkouf, Recording Secretary, Ida
Pearl; Corresponding Secretary, Sarah Geller, Social Secretary, Pearl Shulack,
Financial Secretary, Elise Meyer; Treasurer, Jennie Siner; Publicity, Laura
Simon. The Installation Ceremonies will be followed by a social evening with
cards and refreshments. The entire community is cordially invited to enjoy this
Installation Social.
March 16, 1951—"Purim Carnival at Tifereth
Israel," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: The entire community is
cordially invited to the big Purim Carnival sponsored by Tifereth Israel
Synagogue and its Religious School, with the assistance of the Daughters of
Israel, Sisterhood and Men's Club. The date is Saturday, March 17th; the
time, 7 p.m., promptly. An outstanding program has been arranged including
presentations by both the children of the Religious Schools and the adult
members of the Synagogue. The pupils of the school will first present a program
in song under the directorship of Cantor Joseph Cysner. Second on the
program will be the presentation of a hilarious skit, "The Lone
Stranger," a modern radio version of the story of Purim, in which Max Zemen,
Bob Cheron, Deane Greenberg, Moe Hershey, Bob Wohl, Beronda Tulchinsky, Joe
Kader, Sarah and James Geller, and Cantor Cysner will participate. Third
on the program will be "Stoup the Homentasch," a giveaway show at
which a radio, washing machine, television, appliances, etc., will be given
away. "Stop the Homentasch," which offers everyone a chance to
win, will star Ida Wax, assisted by Sarah Geller and Rabbi Levens.
May 25, 1951—"United Synagogue Holds Conference," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 6: The full program for the Sixth Annual Conference of
the United Synagogue of America and the National Women's League, Southern
California Region, was being formulated this week following individual and joint
planning sessions of the two organizations representing 25 Conservative
congregations in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada. More than 500
delegates are expected to attend the conference Sunday, May 27th, at Sinai
Congregation, Fourth and New Hampshire in Los Angeles, where an afternoon of
seminars and business meetings will precede the evening dinner featuring Dr. Max
Routtenberg, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly of America as
guest speaker. ...The following will attend as delegates from Tifereth Israel
Synagogue of San Diego: M.S. Berlin, Its Penter, Arthur Gardner, Ben Levenson,
Joe J. Kader, Bob Cheron, Moss Addleson, I. Jacobson, Irving Goodman and Max
Zemen. Alternates: Simon Rich, Harold Steckel, Henry Bowman, Herman
Tulchinsky, Sam Brenes, Sam Sklar, Joe Spatz, Sid Newman, Paul Nestor and Marco
September 14, 1951—"Personals," Southwestern Jewish Press,
page 3: San Diegans seen having a good time at Highland Springs were the
Harvey Steinmans, the Max Zemans (sic, Zemens), the Harry Brussels and the
Maxwell Kaufmans.
October 13, 2005—Tifereth Israel Synagogue,
Yom Kippur 5766 Donor Booklet, Additional Pledges (in Alphabetical
Order)," page 7: ...Sharlene & David Berman, in memory of
beloved families, Lillian & Max Zemen & Lillian & Irving Berman
& in honor of our children & grandchildren, Lisa, Dan, Nathan, Alex
& Lisa Ann...
October 31, 2005—Visit to crypts of Max and Lillian Zemen, Shalom
Mausoleum, Greenwood Cemetery, San Diego:
December 2005—"High Holy Day Pledges," The Shofar (monthly newsletter of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, San Diego, California), page 13: Sharlene & David Berman—In memory of beloved families, Lillian & Max Zemen & Lillian & Irving Berman & in honor of our children & grandchildren, Lisa, Dan, Nathan, Alex, & Lisa Ann.