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Writings about Morton Vogelson

Donald H. Harrison., "Congress members push aid for Jewish, Filipino war vets," San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, Sept. 7, 2001:


Donald H. Harrison, "Jewish War Veterans salute local winners of the Congressional Medal of Honor," {correctly this should have said "...local recipients of the Medal of Honor," as the medal is earned, not won, and it is called simply the "Medal of Honor"}San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, June 21, 2002. Mort Vogelson arranged the event here described:


Fall 2005— Seacrest Village Retirement Communities, Happenings: Senior Living in the Jewish Tradition, pages 6-7: It is through the generosity of our Donors that we are able to provide for the well-being of each of our residents. We appreciate your generosity. The following list represents all Donors to our many efforts beginning July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005.  These gifts have helped the Homes to provide the vital services needed for our residents.... Morton Vogelson Memorial Fund.....

December 2005—1)  "Endowments," Defining Our Future, Annual Report 2005, (San Diego) Jewish Community Foundation, page 11:  Endowment funds allow you to permanently support a specific program, organization or area of interest that you find especially meaningful. By allocating only a percentage of the fund each year, the principal is never diminished, and the fund is able to maintain a continuity of support for future generations.... Mort Vogelson Memorial Fund for Israel... Mort Vogelson Memorial Fund for the Elderly...Mort Vogelson Memorial Soille Hebrew Day School Scholarship Fund... Mort Vogelson Memorial Fund for the San Diego Jewish Community...

 2) "Book of Life," Defining Our Future, Annual Report 2005, (San Diego) Jewish Community Foundation, pages 32-33: The Book of Life documents promises made by one generation to the next to secure the future of the Jewish community. More than 110 people have inscribed their names in the Book of Life, expressing their belief in and commitment to Jewish values and heritage, and ensuring that our people will survive and flourish. The inscriptions, together with a portrait photograph, detail the personal thoughts, passions and experiences that inspired the gift of a Jewish legacy. Displayed prominently at the Jewish Community Foundation, the Book of Life holds an ever-growing record of names and legacies—a true portrait of our caring community. .... Book of Life Signers...Mort Vogelson* ..(*of blessed memory)

Winter 2005—
"Bequests," JFS Family Focus, quarterly of Jewish Family Service of San Diego, page 4: .... Morton Vogelson*  (*of Loving Memory)