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Writings by Tad Seth Parzen

November 30, 2005—
Ted Seth Parzen to Friends of American Jewish Committee, letter: Dear Friend, As the American Jewish Committee approaches its 100th anniversary in 2006, it's important to take stock of where we have been and where we are going. Although the AJC was founded in response to pogroms against Jews in Eastern Europe, our institution ahs been deeply involved throughout the 20th century and until this very day in seeking to protect and extend the frontiers of human freedom, human rights, and human dignity for all people. And your support has helped make this possible.  During the past year, you have surely heard about the AJC countless times—an AJC staffer offering analysis of the situation in Israel in the media, our efforts in leading the fight against church divestment from Israel, our new research on contemporary Jewish life, David Harris' radio commentaries, or our acclaimed "Thanksgiving Reader" booklet.  As a multi-faceted advocacy organization and think tank, the American Jewish Committee's strategic approach is well-known and well-respected.  We believe that to be effective, one cannot focus on a single issue. Rather, we address a variety of concerns that confront us as Americans, as Jews, and as citizens of the world. Our thirty-three U.S. offices and international network of more than 20 posts and affiliates across five continents provide a global reach and unprecedented access. Our interests are broad—supporting Israel and Jewish interests, promoting intergroup and interfaith relations, combating anti-Semitism and bigotry, safeguarding democracy, pluralism and religious freedom, engaging the local Foreign Consular Corps and elected officials. You are a friend who has strengthened our efforts in the past. You are familiar with what Elie Wiesel has called "our sacred work." You understand why The New York Times said the American Jewish Committee is the "dean of Jewish civil and religious organizations in this country." We value your partnership in our efforts during these extraordinary times. Using the enclosed envelope, please help AJC continue to meet the growing challenges and opportuntites of our ever-changing world. Sincerely, Tad Seth Parzen, San Diego Chapter President.