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Writings about Miriam "Mim" Lincoff  

Sept. 30, 2005—"Leonard Zanville Remembered: Already four microscopes donated," Kolenu newsletter of Soille San Diego San Diego Hebrew Day School, page 1: We want to thank each contributor who responded to our effort to purchase new microscopes for our students' science class. We've raised enough funds to purchase 4 of the 12 microscopes we hope to add. Special thanks go to Ruth Zanville who has offered to match donations—making each gift in Mr. Zanville's memory of double value. We are very excited that in Leonard's memory we will be adding a new dimension of learning to the program he cared for so deeply.  One of the first microscope donors said, "I encourage all my fellow parents who are scientists and doctors to also consider giving our children access to quality science lab equipment. Together we need to help continue the Hebrew Day tradition in educating future scientists."—Karl Jacobs MD, an alumnus and recipient of the Hebrew Day Zanville Science Award in 1978 who went on to receive his Chemistry degree at UC Santa Cruz and this medical degree at Emory University. Thank you to all our initial microscope donors: Lucy Goldman; Karl Jacobs, MD; Miriam Lincoff; Joan & Marvin Yelles.  If you would like to make a contribution (each microscope is $250, gifts of any amount are appreciated) please be sure to make a note and send in your check to the office... 

Nov. 11, 2005—"Zanville Microscopes At Work," Kolenu newsletter of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, page 1: We are so pleased that in conjunction with the first yarzheit of Mr. Leonard Zanville, a group of 11 family donors generously responded to our request to contribute towards the purchase of 8 new microscopes for use in our science program. Mr. Zanville dedicated our Science Lab in memory of his mother, Hattie Zanville, 33 years ago and always took special pride in the program. We thank microscope underwriters, Mrs. Shirley Bloomenthal, Eilene and Arthur Cummins, Lucy Goldman, Audrey and Karl Jacobs, the entire Katz family (Stuart * Carol, Michael & Christina, Marlene & Scott Brody, and Susan & Ben Weinbarten-alumni), Sara & Joseph Reisman, and Elene * Herbert Solomon. Additional support was contributed by Richard & Sue Braun, Mim Lincoff and Marvin & Joan Yelles, Special thansk and good wishes to Ruth Zanville, who is matching these gifts. 

December 23, 2005—"As our community celebrates Chanukah the Festival of Lights," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 28: We honor all those who have promised to leave a legacy to our Jewish community through the "Create a Jewish Legacy program since April 2004....Miriam Lincoff...