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Writings about Emma Goldman
Winter 1973—Rosalie Shanks, "The I.W.W. Free
Speech Movement: San Diego, 1912," The Journal of San Diego History 19:1,
Fall 1980—Richard Griswold del Castillo, "The
Discredited Revolution: The Magonista Capture of Tijuana in 1911," The
Journal of San Diego History 26:4, http://sandiegohistory.org/journal/80fall/revolution.htm
Fall 1981—Trudie Casper, "Jerry MacMullen: An Uncommon
Man," The Journal of San Diego History 27:4, http://sandiegohistory.org/journal/81fall/macmullen.htm
Spring 1984—Raymond Starr, Book Review: Living My
Life by Emma Goldman, The Journal of San Diego History, http://sandiegohistory.org/journal/84spring/br-goldman.htm
Fall 1985—Rickey Best, review of Inventing the Dream:
California Through the Progressive Era by Kevin Starr, The Journal of San
Diego History, http://sandiegohistory.org/journal/85fall/br-inventing.htm
Winter 1999—Lawrence
D. Taylor, "The Magonista Revolt in Baja California: Capitalist
Conspiration or Rebelion de los Pobres," The Journal of San Diego
History 45:1, http://sandiegohistory.org/journal/99winter/magonista.htm
Richard Pourade, "The Wobblies And A Story No One Likes To
Remember," Gold in the Sun, Copley Press, History of San Diego
online, http://sandiegohistory.org/books/pourade/gold/goldchapter8.htm