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Writings about Deborah Davis


Second Avenue Klezmer, web site for klezmer group that includes Deborah Davis, vocalist


September 30, 2005—
"Holiday Services," San Diego Jewish Times, page 21: Humanistic Jewish Congregation — The congregation will celebrate the high holidays in their new home at the Carlsbad Women's Club, 3320 Monroe Ave in Carlsbad.  This year's services will feature Madrohots Toby Dorfman and Beverly Zarnow. Cantorial music will be sung by Deborah Davis, accompanied by clarinetists Robert Zelickman and Dr. Ellen Weller  Services will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 10:30 a.m., Kol Nidre on Wednesday, Oct 12 at 7:30 p.m. Yizkor service will be held on Thursday, Oct 13 at 5:30 p.m. with a break the fast buffet....

November 2005—1) "Shabbat," Humanews (monthly newsletter of Humanistic Jewish Congregation of San Diego), page 1: Thanksgiving to Ume. "To whom do non-theists offer thanks?" Please join us on Saturday, November 5, 10:30 a.m. at the Woman's Club in Carlsbad for our Shabbat service with a participatory discussion with Toby Dorfman, music by our Cantor Deborah Davis and Dr. Ellen Weller, followed by an Oneg.

2) Letterhead, Humanews, page 2: Clergy: Madrikha Toby Dorfman, Madrikha Beverly Zarnow, Cantor Deborah Davis: HJCSD Board: President, Arlene Schaffner; Past President, Phoebe Telser; President-Elect, (open), Vice President (open); Secretary, Royce Weiss; Treasurer, Barbara Maisel; Members-at-Large, Lauren Altman, Bernard Corbman, Esther Singer; Advisory Members, Martha Witz, Maury Rapkin.  Committee Chairs—Caring Concerned Chavirim, Beth Goodman; Discussion & Social Action, Royce & Bud Weiss; Finance (open); Hospitality, Charles and Ingrid Sacks; Housing, Gary Zarnow; Humanews Editor, Ruth Ohlund; Marketing/Public Relations, Bev Conner; Membership, Naomi Title; National Board Rep., Gene Telser; Parliamentarian, Sam Dolnick; Program, Beverly Zarnow; School Director, Barbara Cohen; Tributes, Shelah Michael; Pianist, Ellen Weller; HJ School Staff, Pascal Bortz, Karnit Breit, Deborah Davis, Toby Dorfman; Financial Advisors, Duane Lewis.

3) "President's column,"  Humanews, page 3: What a wonderful High Holiday celebration we had last month. My thanks go out to the many wonderful people who made it happen. To Toby Dorfman and her wonderful commentaries, to Deborah Davis whose music makes the heavens cry. My thanks to Beverly Zarnow and her committee who helped with the set-up and food. Those included Bev Connor, the Karsts, Evelyn Lipson, and especially Charles and Ingrid Sacks. There were others, and I thank them all. The Sunday school will feature a historical tour of Old Town on Sunday Nov 12th. The event is open to all members and guests. There is no charge for the tour. However, Don Harrison, who is conducting the tour is trying to raise money for the "Louis Rose Memorial" and would gladly accept donations for this See School News for more information... Until next month...Shalom...Arlene Schaffner.

4)  "Sukkot Food Bags," Humanews, page 3: On Oct. 27th, Debby Davis and I delivered food bags to the Jewish Family Services' Hunger Pantry. What began as a presentation at Sunday School for students to become aware of chronic hunger in the community became a Congregation project. When Toby (Dorfman)  invited members of the Congregation to participate, overnight, a trunk full of food  was collected. I was proud and grateful that Debby and I delivered over thirty bags. Thanks to all of you who donated—Bcohen.

5) "Thank You for the High Holidays Celebrations," Humanenews, page 3: What enjoyable holiday events! The program, music, and food were excellent due to the effort of many members who put their resources to good use.  Many thanks go out to these folks: for publicity and administration-Bev Conner, Barbara Maisel, Ruth Ohlund, Arlene Schaffner, Phoebe Telser; for the services-Irish Conolgue, Toby Dorfman, Deborah davis, Beverly Zarnow; for music-Deborah Davis, Ellen Weller, Bob Zelickman, Joan Zelickman, the Second Avenue Klezmer Ensemble; for the Rosh Hashanah oneg-Bernie Corbman, Evelyn Lipson, Shelah Michael, Ingrid Sacks, Naomi Title; for Break-the-Fast-Bev Conner, Adina and Kurt Karst, Shelah Michael, Ruth Ohlund, Ingrid and Chuck Sacks, Arlene Schaffner, Naomi Title, Beverly and Gary Zarnow. If you helped, but your name was omitted, please accept our apologies and our gratefulness. It takes a lot of effort to create these celebrations, but the effort is minimized when so many work together.

December 2005—1) "Shabbat," Humanenews, page 1: This months Shabbat Celebration will be held December 3, 10:30 a.m. at the Woman's Club of Carlsbad.  The title is "Jews in the Maccabean Age." Why did we fight the Greeks and not the Persians; each had conquered us and occupied our country? Please join us for this participatory discussion with Toby Dorfman, accompanied by our cantor Deborah Davis and pianist Dr. Ellen Weller. Oneg to follow.

2) Arlene Schaffner, "President's Column," Humanenews, page 3:  ... Our publicity under the directions of Bev Connor and Barbara Cohen has hit every publication within our area. The Oneg Shabbats are food for the gods, due to the hard work of Ingrid and Charles Sacks and their committee. The program committee with Beverly Zarnow as chair has come up with some very innovative formats. The Humanews online with Editor Ruth Ohlund and website creator Barbara Maisel are proving to be a successful way to go. The Sunday Buffets have also added some interesting speakers to our programming. Kudos as well to Toby Dorfman and the Jewish History Classes; to Barbara Cohen, director of our Sunday School, to Debby Davis and Ellen Weller, our musicians; to all the wonderful people who have given more than 100 percent in the past year.

3) "Kudos and Thanks," Humanews, page 3: Thanks, HOI Volunteers—Not HOI, as in (h)oy vey. But HOI, as in House of Israel. Thanks to the following folks who made sure our congregation played its part in supporting this San Diego Jewish institution: Arlene and Jerry Schaffner, Maury Rapkin, Naomi Title, Esther Singer, and Debby Davis. To those who donated baked goods, thank you also.

December 2, 2005—"Humanistic Shabbat Planned," San Diego Jewish Times, page 8: The Humanistic Jewish Congregation will gather for a Shabbat on Saturday, Dec. 3, 10:30 a.m. at the Women's Club of Carlsbad. Madrikha Toby Dorfman will officiate. Her commentary will be, "Why did the Maccabees fight the Greeks: is there more to this than a can of miraculous olive oil?" Music will be provided by Cantor Deborah Davis and Dr. Ellen Weller. An oneg is provided after the service. For information and directions call 858-549-3088.

January 13, 2006—
"Humanistic Events," San Diego Jewish Times, page 11: The Humanistic Jewish Congregation will offer a Shabbat on Saturday, Jan. 21, 10:30 a.m. at the Women's Club of Carlsbad, 3320 Mornoe Ave. The commentary by Cantor Deborah Davis will be "What's In A Name, a Historical Look at the 12 Tribes of Israel."  Steven Spielberg's Shaoh Foundation "Past, Present and Future," will be the topic at a discussion buffet lunch on Sunday, Jan. 15, 10:30 a.m. at the Women's Club of Carlsbad. Letty Jo Randell, employee of the Foundation will present the program. Members $5, guests $10. A history class will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lanakia Mobile Home Park in Carlsbad. Madrikha Toby Dorfman will continue her talk on anti-Semitism and its origin.  Call 760-804-0866 for information and directions.

2006-02-02: Donald H. Harrison, "Hundreds mourn musician and engineer Rob Gross,"