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Writings about Sherril "Sherry" (Newman) Caplan


May 1949
—1) "Tifereth Israel Sisterhood," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: "Mother's Day" was the theme of the May meeting of the Tifereth Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. Abe Ratner, assisted by Mrs. Monroe Levens, arranged an unusual fashion display. Fashions for grandmother, mother and daughter made available through the courtesy of the Sanford Dress Shop and Chenkins Youth Center were previewed. Models were Mesdames Louis Addelson, Harris Rubel, Betty Solomon, Harry Mallen, Morton Thaler, Misses Andrea Beck, Sherry Rae Newman, Elene Gordin and Pauline Ratner. Mesdames Sid Smith, Morris Pomeranz, Lester Cooper, Fred Kaufman, Morris Levenson and Ben Mallen were gracious hostesses.

2) Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: ... "One, two, three strikes you're out, at the old ball game." Great admirers of the Padres seen eating peanuts and popcorn are Sherrry Newman, Linda Douglas, Douglas DeSure, Linda Solof, Ernie Addleson, Lou Kleinman, Edmund Rosenthal, Don(n) Kobernick and Harvey Levitt.

July 1949—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: On these hot sunny days, Imig Manor Pool is a favorite meeting place for all the young people. Diving and splashing are Joan Steinman, Elene Gordon, Alan Mishne, Dean and Sue Ann Greenberg; Caroline, Harriet and Nancy Silverman; Shirley Sarfan, Burton Sharp, Sandra Schoenkopf, Teddy Feldman, Jerry and David Levens,  Harvey Bender, Dee Weiner, Arline and Nancy  Solof, Larry Gross, Sandra Schissell, Edie Press, Beverly Addleson, Bobby and Andrea Beck, Shiela Lippin, Glenda Pollack, Joel Mogy, Stevie and Debra Schulman and Larry Ratner, Ronald and Barley Doctor, George Weiss, Sherry Newman; Elsa Esterson; Lou, Neil and Peter Kleinman; Judy Smollar, Gail Kahn, Joan Breitbard, Steven and Jancice Gordon, Gary and Stanley Breitbard, Deanne and Michael Brown; Jean, Gail and Bobby Gordon, Ronda Esenoff, Gary and Adrian Cantor, Jane and Morton Cohen (sic, Cohn) and Rochelle Goodrich.

August 1949—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:...Super fun was had at David Levens' Bar-b-que with Sherry Newman, Sheila Lippin, Arlene Mallen, Norman Kalish and Freddy Bender...

September 1949—(separate, no headline), Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Mrs. Sidney Newman and her daughter, Sherril, spent several days recently at the Chapman Park Hotel in Los Angeles.

October 1949—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," page 5: Congrats to the newly elected officers at Roosevelt Jr. High school. Paul Kaufman was elected editor of the School paper, Rough Rider, Sherry Newman is president of the seventh grade class and Linda Solof is vice president of the ninth grade class.

December 2, 1949—1) "Chanukah Celebrations," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7:  The following children of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue are participating in the Jewish Home Beautiful Pageant: Sherry Rae Newman, Judy and Susan Pokrass, Adrian Cantor, Charlene (sic, Sharlene) Zeeman, Sharon Young, Sue Ann Greenberg, Elaine Berman, Joan and Gary Breitbard, Marlene Freed, Phiip Brenes, Norman Bard, Gerald Newman, and David, Jerry and Raphael Levens.  Usherettes are Misses Arlene Solof, Elene Gordon, Edith Press, Beverly Addleson and Pauline Ratner.

2) Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," page 7: ...The House of Hospitality was the House of surprise for Sharlene Stone.  Yelling surprise at her twelfth birthday party were Susan Levyu, Deanne Brown, Janet Solof, Jane Cohen, Rochelle Goodrich, Susan Solof, Marsha Cohen, Lou Ann Blumberg, Brenda Heiman, Glenda Pollack, Sherry Newman and Linda Douglas. After a delicious lunch, they all went to the show.  Happy birthday Sharlene... Pulling hay out of their hair, eating and dancing at the Temple Junior Youth League's terrific hayride were Lois Jean Kaufman, Paul Kaufman, Ilene Rivers, Donn Kobernick, Linda Solof, Shearn Platt, Esther Lustig, Dick Godes, Ethel Schwartz, Lenny Weiss, Bobby Glickman, Bobby Beck, Carol Fischer, Ernie Addleson, Joyce Addleson, Gary Chenkin, Janet Solof, Arthur Pogrell, Arline Mallen, Larry Cantor, Jane Cohen (sic, Cohn), Harry Ratner, Deanne Brown, Sandy Ratner, Sherry Newman, Irwin Weiss, Judy Yukon, Joel Mogy, Son Solomon, Alice Aufritcht, Nadene Feller, Brenda Heiman, Linda Douglas, James Duetch, Edward Ruskin, Michael Soule and Jerry Padwa....

December 30, 1949—1)"Tifereth Israel Junior League," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7:  At an enthusiastic and lively meeting held Saturday, December 24th, a Junior Young People's League was organized at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. This group is open to boys and girls of Junior High School age, who desire to participate in a program of social and recreational activities coupled with religious and cultural interests.  Officers elected to lead the young people during the first term are: Cecile Oglesby, President; Geraldine Solomon, Vice-President; David Levens, Secretary; Sherry Newman, Corresponding Secretary and Norman Panish, Treassurer.  Besides the business, games, dancing and refreshments rounded out an enjoyable evening. The group will meet every other Saturday night at 7 p.m., with the next meeting scheduled January 7th. All young people of proper age are cordially welcome.

2) Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: ...Having a swell time at Arline Mallen's Bar-b-que party were Lois Kaufman, Morton Barancik, Sherry Newman, Norman Panish, Freddy Bender, Sheila Lipin and David Levens.  Everyone had a real fine time...The new Junior Young People's League formed at Tifereth Israel elected their officers recently. Cecille Ogelsby, president; Geraldine Solomon, vice president; David Levens, secretary, Norman Panish, treasurer; Sherry Newman, corresponding secretary.  They will meet every other week.

January 27, 1950—
Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," page 7: ..Fun was the byword at Sheila Lippin's super party. Having a real fine time munching hamburgers and drinking cokes were Sherry Newman, Norman Panish, Arline Mallen, Martin Smiles, Glenda Pollack, Allen Lener, Larry Zlotoff and Morton Barancik...

February 24, 1950—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," page 7: ...Fun was the byword at the "Sweetheart Ball" given by the Junior Young People's League of Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Glimpsed at the Valentine dance were Sherry Newman n' Morton Barancik, Arlene Mallen 'n David Levens, Geraldine Solomon 'n Stanton Camiel, Cecille Ogelsby 'n Norman Panish, Barbara Cohen 'n Fred Solomon, and Jane Burns 'n Stanley Tenn. The dance was a huge success.

March 10, 1950—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: ...Lots of fun was had by Geraldine Solomon, Stanton Camiel, Cecile Oglesby, Gary Breitbard, Lois Kaufman, Norman Panish, Dorothy Hess, Seymour Pomeranz, Janet Solof, David Levens, Sherry Newman, and Morton Barancik at Morton's party. After enjoying a scrumptious dinner the gals and guys danced and had a swell time...

April 14, 1950—Linda Solof, "Linda's Lookout," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: ... Glenda Pollack and Sherry Newman made a fine showing at the Ink Tournament. Keep up the good tennis gals...

April 28, 1950—The Junior Young People's League at Tifereth Israel had a swell turnout at their last meeting. Some of the kids that stayed after the meeting at the Canasta Party were Morton Barancik, Sherry Newman, David Levens, Arline Mallen, Seymour Pomeranz, Bob Myers, Geraldine Solomon, Stanton Camiel, Cecille and Jeanette Burns, Natalie Viezer, Judy Yukon, Estelle Burwin, Barbara Silverman and Norman Panish.  The Jacks and Jills had a super deluxe time..