July 6, 2005

Newsletter No. 3: Louis Rose Society for the Preservation of Jewish History

September 25th at Louis Rose Point — Save the afternoon of Sunday, September 25th, for an introduction to Louis Rose Point and barbecue at the foot of Womble Street in the Roseville area of Point Loma. This is the site where we will erect the monument to Louis Rose, San Diego's first Jewish settler. If you would like to serve on the arrangements committee for this event, please email Don Harrison at sdheritage@cox.net

Henrietta Rose Gravestone —Our society has a partner in providing a gravestone at the spot where Henrietta Rose has been buried in an unmarked grave for nearly 50 years. We received this kind message on June 17th from Linda Dolman, worthy matron of La Paloma Star Chapter #96 of the Order of the Eastern Star: "Last night our chapter voted to donate $275.00 to your worthy cause honoring one of our Past Matrons." ... In an earlier correspondence, Dolman informed us that Henrietta "donated a piano to our chapter long, long ago.  In fact, the wheels of the upright piano are stamped with the date 1865!  The piano is still in working condition.  It has candle holders built into it so the player can see the music since it was long before electricity was available." 

  Winona Mary McNitt  plays Henrietta Rose piano

The gravestone will bear the logos of the Louis Rose Society for the Preservation of Jewish History on the left and of the Order of the Eastern Star on the right.  Between the two logos, the stone will be engraved as follows:


May 22, 1872-February 20, 1957

Daughter of San Diego’s first Jewish settler, Louis Rose
Past Matron, Southern Star Chapter #96, Order of the Eastern Star
Teacher, Roseville, Middletown, Sherman Elementary Schools; Roosevelt Jr. High

Honor or Memorialize A Loved One

In keeping with the goals of our organization, we hereby invite LRS members to designate someone from  the San Diego Jewish community, past or present, to be honored or memorialized with the contribution you already have given. There will be no charge to you, and we will add that person's name to the honoree list that can be found at http://www.jewishsightseeing.com/louis_rose_historical/lrjhpa_membership.htm 
Additionally, if you write something up about that person's life, particularly his or her contributions to San Diego generally or to the Jewish community specifically, we will link to that information from our membership list.  We will be happy to include a jpeg photo of that person at no extra charge.
Over time, we will also create an index of such individuals. In such a way, we will build a living library about Jewish San Diegans. If the person is deceased, please include the person's birth-year and death-year ((if you know them) for the listing. (Note the entry for Louis Rose across from Nancy's and my names on the membership list)
Some of you may want to honor more than one person. You may honor any other member of the San Diego Jewish community (past or present) for an additional contribution of $18 (chai) per person to the Jewish Community Foundation, "Louis Rose Fund." You may send the contribution directly to the Jewish Community Foundation, 4950 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92123. Be sure to send to me (Don Harrison) via email (sdheritage@cox.net) the information about the person you are honoring. I will post it just as soon as your check has been processed by the Jewish Community Foundation.

Steering Committee Minutes—First Meeting—June 22, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Donald H. Harrison, acting president of the society and chair of the history committee, at “Heritage House,” 8241 Cafanzara Ct., San Diego In attendance: 
Norman Greene, chair of the government relations committee.
Arlette Smith, chair of the neighborhood liaison committee
Gail Umeham, board secretary.

Absent, with excuse:  Peter Levine, Chair-Grants/ Fundraising, whose car was rear-ended in an accident earlier that day in La Jolla, shaking up him and his wife Linda.

  1. Organizational Structure – Harrison recommended that the steering committee should eventually be enlarged to 13 members, consisting of five officers and  8 chairs of the standing committees.  By consensus, the steering committee decided that these officers and committee chairs should be:

1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Financial Officer
Chair, Art Committee
Chair, Education Committee
Chair, Event Planning Committee
Chair, Government Relations Committee
Chair, Grants/Fundraising
Chair, History Committee
Chair, Jewish Community Liaison
Chair, Chair Membership

  1. Steering Committee Members Sought—Board members discussed the names of people who could be recruited to the steering committee as officers or within the various chairs. Board members agreed to contact those people informally.  In addition, it was agreed that a general appeal to the membership should be made in order not to overlook any potential activists. If anyone is interested in becoming a chair of a standing committee, or an officer, please contact Don Harrison at sdheritage@cox.net

3.   Reports

A.     Henrietta’s Gravestone – Norman Greene said he is in contact with David Lugo of the Mt. Hope Cemetery concerning the placement of a stone with marker for Henrietta Rose, daughter of Louis Rose, who was buried in an unmarked grave.  She died at age 84, a spinster, after a life as a teacher.  Don Harrison reported that La Paloma Chapter 96 of the Order of the Eastern Star has agreed to contribute $275 toward the cost, which is roughly half.  Date of an unveiling ceremony will be coordinated with Eastern Star.  Arlette Smith said that she would check with Greg Smith, her husband, about the source of a  rock and plaque that has been placed at the County Wedding Chapel.

 B.     Louis Rose Point Picnic—Don Harrison said that the committee should pick a Sunday during summer for a picnic at Louis Rose Point.  An examination of steering committee members’ personal calendars, and those showing Jewish and secular holidays, yielded Sunday, September 25, 2005, as the best date for the picnic.

       1.    Arlette Smith said that she would take a field trip to the site to determine whether the picnic could be held there, or should be held nearby at possibly a) historic buildings of the Naval Training Center, or b) the Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs High Tech High School.

        2. Norman Greene said he would check with the city Park and Recreation Department whether any fees are required, and what facilities/ equipment could be made available.

        3. Don Harrison said he discussed food with Jerry Barbour, mashgiach of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, who said it could either be prepared off site and be brought in, or simply barbecued on site. He also said that Eric Sands had offered to help with the barbecuing.  In addition, Don reported Lew Berger had suggested he could perhaps round up a band. Don said his daughter, Sandi Masori, could make balloon creations.

C.     Louis Rose Memorial – Don Harrison reported that he is in contact with people in Neuhaus an der Oste,  Germany, concerning the possibility of the city  of Louis Rose’s birth making a contribution toward the memorial.

D.     History Committee Report – Don Harrison said he plans to divide his committee into 10 areas of responsibility, with a subcommittee chair for each:

1.      Central San Diego
2.      South Bay Cities and Southern San Diego  --Gary Fink has volunteered to head this subcommittee.
3.      College Area and Del Cerro
4.      La Jolla, University City, Sorrento Valley
5.      North County Coastal
6.      North County Inland
7.      Tijuana and Baja California
8.      Southern Orange County
9.      Southern Riverside County
10.  Imperial County

Harrison said he is seeking chairs for each subcommittee to inventory and help prioritize sites of Jewish historical interest.  He will take the central San Diego area, which includes the locations that he has written about in his book.

E.    Neighborhood Liaison –Arlette Smith mentioned the names of some community leaders whom she plans to approach concerning participation in the project for the Louis Rose Memorial.

F.      Grants/ Fundraising – Peter Levine has been assessing possibilities; hopes to have a report next meeting.

4.  Steering Committee Meeting Schedules – It was agreed by consensus that the steering committee of the Louis Rose Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday evening of each month, at the Heritage House, 8241 Cafanzara Ct..  According the next meeting will be July 27, 2005.

5. Bylaws – It was agreed to table creation of bylaws until after the steering committee has more members

6. Jewish Community Foundation – Don Harrison said that he understands that under the rules governing checks written by the Jewish Community Foundation, they must go either to governmental entities or recognized non-profit organizations.  Checks may not be written to private parties, as for example, to the company that will make the plaque for Henrietta Rose’s monument.  Norman Greene said he would speak to the Jewish Community Foundation to determine how other organizations handle such expenses, and report back.

7. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned approximately at 10 p.m.